HighPower Projects

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HighPower Freelance

HighPower Freelance Software - Powered by FileMaker Pro!

Get organized, get streamlined, and get ahead!

Control Your Business — Grow Your Freelancing Business

Grow your Freelancing Business by keeping track of your projects and keeping your clients happy. Never drop the ball again. Stay on top of all tasks, all projects, and all your clients’ needs. Powered by FileMaker Pro, HighPower Freelance Software for Freelancers manages the details so you can focus on being creative.


  • Get a real-time view of your top 10 clients & top 10 projects
  • Prospecting Funnel Graph
  • Client Relationships Graph
  • Project Stages Graph

Actions & Reports

  • A collection of important Quick Reports on Clients, Projects, Tasks, Finances

Action Checklist

  • A section for creating step by step procedures for every aspect of your business
smiling man working on computer

Track Your Projects & Tasks

In most businesses, there are so many details to keep track of that it can be overwhelming. HighPower Freelance Software helps you to manage the many projects & tasks, and identify what’s happening with every aspect of your business.

What you can track about a Project:

  • When was it started and when is it scheduled to end
  • What are the estimated hours vs. actual hours
  • Who is assigned to work on it
  • What work have they done
  • Detailed notes, pictures, and timeline

What you can track about a Task:

  • What Project does it belong to
  • Who is doing the work
  • What are the estimated vs. actual hours
  • When was it started & when was it finished
  • Detailed notes, pictures, and timelines:
Know your income
team working together on a project

Know Your Income (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually)

If you are a business owner, or a project manager, this is a critical part of your responsibilities. The HighPower Freelance Software helps you to get your financial data in almost any format or viewpoint you would need.

  • You can view the work done by all employees on a daily basis.
  • You can see the income earned by a single employee.
  • You can view income by Project, and compare estimated income to actual income.
  • You can view any Project broken down into its individual Tasks, and view the income earned by each Task.
Book keeping
Woman with calculator working on budget

Prepare Proposals

Create Proposals with ease. Enter the Description & Scope and then the individual proposal estimates for each item, along with the hourly range by entering both the Low and the High estimate for hours. The system will track your estimated hours and income. The Proposal can be printed with the click of a button and prepared to send.

Key Modules

  • Business Dashboard
  • Client Data
  • Project Management
  • Task Detailing
  • Proposal Generation
  • Invoicing
  • Worklogging
  • Software Focus: Licensing & Hosting
Man working with team on project sheets

HighPower Freelance is now available in the HighPower Store for $499.

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